Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Uncle Jimmy- You Can Call Me Al

Uncle Jimmy is my daughter's God Father and I was best man in his wedding.  Born and raised in Rolling Meadows, he was lucky enough to be on the side of town that sent kids to Fremd HS. He now lives in Chicago (soon to be Wheeling) and his job involved something to do with managing Yellow Cabs.  When I tell people that Uncle Jimmy from Chicago works for the cab company, they immediately assume that he is part of "the family." 

Uncle Jimmy loves the Blackhawks and has been seen wearing the same, white, University of Iowa hat since roughly 1998, which, coincidentally, was the last time that anyone outside of work saw his hair.

Once, while visiting Winona, a slightly drinky Uncle Jimmy was abducted by a car full of possibly underage kids who were looking for some beer.  Despite the liquor store being roughly 4 blocks away, Jimmy was not seen for about 4 hours and when he got back he refused to talk about where he'd been.  Now...I'm not saying alien abduction, but it was obviously an alien abduction.

Also, he has been known to walk up to random strangers and say "Fuck that Garfunkel" and walk away without another word.

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