Friday, April 18, 2014

To our German friend

So I don't know how many of you know how this blog stuff works, but there is a section in the behind the scenes things that only I can see (does that make me the Wizard?) that tells me all sorts of fun information like how many times the blog has been viewed this month (327!!!!), what browsers are being used to access the site (someone or someones with Google Chrome love this blog!  And whoever that is, I may or may not like you too.  Much love!)  It also tells me that the majority of people are using Windows based systems and that someone out there is using Linux.
But the biggest and most awesomest surprise comes from the section that tells me the country of origin of the access.  There is some person, or perhaps 2 people, in Germany that have some how found their way to our little section of the internet for a total of 2 page views originating in Germany.  Pretending that it is 1 person, because I can't imagine that 2 people from Germany accidentally wound up in the same place in the same week, that means that person came back.  Hey person from Germany, what's up.  Leave a comment in the comments section introducing your self and telling us how you ended up here.

I am imagining a desperate German baseball fan living on the countryside searching for any and all information that he or she can find and somehow stumbling on this through Google Berlin or something.  Either that, or someone looking for recipes for Golden Crispy deliciousness and instead finding us (or me) messing around with fantasy baseball.

Either way, I hope the random German comes back, and that he or she leaves a message after the beep.


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