Monday, May 5, 2014

Dear Adam Silver - Anything you can do, I can do with less media attention and fanfare.

I came to a realization this weekend.  The Tater Tot Fantasy Baseball League of Fake Teams Using Real Players in Totally Normal Ways for Adult Males could not continue to function with one team not doing anything whatsoever to try to win its weekly matchups.  I also realized that if Jerad hadnt bothered adjusting his team, there was very little chance that he was joining us on this here blog to see that I had inacted a Jerad rule and that he best be doing something about his DL players.  With those things in mind, I asked Dusty to get ahold of Jerad to see if he cared if we moved his team to another person or if he was going to be involved.  The text I got back from Dusty simply said, "He says replace him."  With those 4 words, a whirlwind of shady backroom deals and ill tempered negotiations kicked off which ultimately ended with me brokering a sale of the Springfield Isotopes to a new owner, KP (intro to follow).  KP will change the name to a yet to be determined moniker, though his team pictures is one of Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in Tombstone and I would be hard pressed to think of a better name than the Huckleberries.  In fact, regardless of what KP calls them, I will probably refer to them as the Huckleberries, or Hucks, because...well...I do what I want.

So long Jerad: The Galleria of Notgonnaplayhereanymrore, I will miss the endless possibilities of the "Jerad: The Galleria of" jokes as well as the incomprehensible joy that accompanied every time you won a player at auction ("He went to Jerad!").

A couple other housekeeping items, at our doctor's behest, my wife and I have decided that May 12th will be the birthday of our second kid.  Now, that's a Monday and I likely will be somewhat preoccupado for much of the week.  Strangely, one of the first things I thought about, after the "Holy Shit our kid is going to be here in like a week," was "recaps and waiver stuff happens on those days; How can I do both?"  The answer is that I cannot.  And like Daniel Murphy decided earlier this year, my family responsibilities outweigh those as commish of The Tater Tot Fantasy Baseball League of Fake Teams Using Real Players in Totally Normal Ways for Adult Males.  As such, I have asked Kyler to step in and get his feet wet with the recaps and then to see how he feels and do the waiver pickups as well.  I figured, he has been listed as a contributor for this blog for several weeks and has contributed the same amount as Candyman Smallwood has, so it was time.

Awesome and total devine providence moment about picking the 12th that I have to share.  Every month, my wife figures out what we are going to have for dinner each night (I help sometimes, but really, it's all her) and then we go shopping for one month at a time and buy it all.  Then, after its all put away, she writes it out on a big white board so that we can easily see it.  That may seem excessive, but for those of you that know my wife, its 100% normal to do things like this.  So we did the one for May last week (went shopping Monday the 28th or something) then came home and filled out the board like usual.  Last Friday, we were at the doctor and decided on the 12th as the day we were going to have our kid.  When we got home, my wife highlighted the borders of that day and started "X"ing off the days as a count down.  Guess what is listed as the dinner item for Monday May 12th, the day which is now highlighted and on which my kid will be born.  Yep, Tacos.  And BOOM goes the dynamite.

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