Monday, August 4, 2014

Mo' Money Mo' Problems

Maybe not this year, but could the league be set up so that you can trade for draft money?

1 comment:

  1. The short answer is...I dont know. I saw that you had posted this somewhere else, and I meant to respond, I just didnt. We can discuss at the draft. I am all for being able to include free agent bucks (the in season $$) in trades, but I am hesitant to want to include draft $$. The last thing that I would want is to have someone trade away a bunch of their budget for the next year and then bolt the league, leaving everyone else to try to find someone to take a team without a full draft budget or giving the new team a full draft budget and artificially increasing the amount of money in the league.
    We can add it to the list of things that need to be decided before the draft.
